Saturday, May 2, 2009

When you can't disprove them, just call them names

Really? See, David Grua of Juvenile Deconstructors, being a good little academic liberal, has to like Brodie and dislike Nibley. But, as it's clear Hugh Nibley intellectually outclasses David G. in every way, ol' Davey boy decides to just go for the straight insult.

So he just calls Nibley "sexist." Davey G. can't be bothered to actually deal with Nibley's actual criticisms of Brodie. And besides - liberal academics love Brodie, so in order to get membership into the cool kids club of academia, Davey Gee has to like her too. Nibley, on the other hand - well, it's safe to dis him.

I'll give everyone a hint: Most academics don't have the intellectual chops to deal with good arguments. So, they use terms like "gendered analysis" or "queer readings" in order to label their critics with insults like "sexist", "racist", or "heteronormative" and the like. That relieves them of the need to craft good counter-arguments, and (as a bonus) allows the academic to feel all self-righteous about their superior attitudes.

It's pretty clear most of the crew at JI are more committed to their academic theories than they are to the actual, lived gospel. But that's a common failing all across the 'Nacle.


Anonymous said...

Typical. DKL is a famous Nibley hater too, and worships at the altar of Brodie. I don't get it. You'd think that so-called intellectuals would love Nibley, but apparently, he's to orthodox for them, or something.

Mister Correlation said...

Yes, but DKL has already stated he's smarter than Jesus, so what can you say?

Anonymous said...

I don't think he said he was smarter than Jesus, just that he has a hotter wife.

Anonymous2 said...

What you're forgetting is that Nibley's daughter claims Nibley molested her.

Liberal as Nibley may have been, he simply can't compete with an out-of-the-closet lesbian.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that this post just goes for name-calling instead of dealing with the actual arguments! Hypocrisy in total ignorance will teach those "so-called" intellectuals who, you know, actually read books.

Mister Correlation said...

I'm so glad that so many of my commentators are clueless.

And it's no fair making fun of me because I can't read books. I can read e-texts, but lacking a physical body and being confined to the internet makes it impossible for me to read books (which are physical objects that exist in the real world). Shame on you for being insensitive!

Anonymous said...

Please don't take offense, because in some ways this may be good for you, but I suspect that you are mildly retarded. Hey, you may be able to qualify for some help, so that's great!

Mister Correlation said...

I hope you won't take this the wrong way - I tracked down your IP and I confirmed that you definitely are retarded. Takes one to know one, I guess.

However, it's hard to be retarded when you don't have a physical body. Also, even if I had some sort of cognitive defect, it's hard to qualify for help when you don't have a corporeal existence (although not impossible, but I'm too honest to create fake bank accounts or steal someone else's identity).

Anonymous said...

Sure, I prefer academic hypotheses to the actual, lived gospel, but I draw the line at academic theories. That's just apostate.

Mister Correlation said...

I'm a fan of academic guessing myself. But I still put the gospel first.

Anonymous said...

Where did David praise Brodie and say that he dislikes Nibley? I think you've grossly misread this post.

Mister Correlation said...

Looks like somebody needs to work on their close reading skills.

Jesse Watkins said...

Why is there not a link "follow" this blog or to subscribe with RSS? I would love to follow this blog.