Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blog Readers - you have the freedom to stop reading!

Just a self-righteous thought this evening: Not finishing a blog post can be a liberating experience. When you're reading a post that increasingly implicates everyone who enjoyed The Dark Knight as depraved, cold hearted sinners, or otherwise as dark, benighted souls -well, you don't have to stay there and encourage them in their joyless decrepitude. Once you realize you're reading someone's attempt to prove they are among the chosen few who see through to the ugliness and filth inherent in the soul of all Batman fans, you don't have to sit there and read dozens more commentators jump in and agree. It's OK to say, "This is stupid. I'd rather go read something like Bloggernacle Correlation."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Is M* actually on to something?

Considering the amount of undeserved snark BCC and T&S are giving to a recent post at M* - I figure this Bryce guy is actually on to something. Anyone who can inspire vapid ad hominem attacks from those benighted sources must have something to say.

So, I decided to read the M* post.

Nope, Bryce has nothing interesting to say. Of course, the wannabe snarker-types at BCC and T&A (oops, I mean T&S - I was confused by Adam's latest post) clearly haven't actually read Bryce either. If so, they wouldn't have linked to him in the first place.

Watch them all drown together.

And so it ... what?

Kaimi actually posts at T&S!

If you can call the cut and pasting of an e-mail "posting."

It's clear where Kaimi devotes most of his actual effort. T&S just gets the sloppy seconds.

Soon, T&S will be like M*. Forgotten, as the more popular (though not really any better) bloggers go elsewhere.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ask Mr. Screwtape! 7/3

Dear Mr. Screwtape,

The main problem I have with these Bloggernacle types, is that despite their grumping, whining, and complaining, they are all quite dedicated to the *shudder* true Church. They may disagree with the leaders, but in the end, they are committed more to the teachings of our great Enemy than any of the secular, worldly ideas I've managed to get them interested in. How do I break through this?


Dear Wumpawumpauwumpadoo,

It's easy. You have to dilute their commitment to the bad news of the Gospel by adding to it. These Bloggernacle types love to "add" to their knowledge. The phrase "further light and knowledge" confuses many of them to think that all knowledge automatically equals light.

As I told my dearly delicious nephew Wormwood once:

What we want . . . is to keep them in the state of mind I call "Christianity And". You know — Christianity and the Crisis, Christianity and the New Psychology, Christianity and the New Order, Christianity and Faith Healing, Christianity and Psychical Research, Christianity and Vegetarianism, Christianity and Spelling Reform. If they must be Christians let them at least be Christians with a difference. Substitute for the faith itself some Fashion with a Christian colouring.
Therefore, take their commitment to Mormonism, and get them to mix it up with some other thing. Don't try to replace Mormonism with some new thing - you'll usually lose on that one. Instead, get them to mix Mormonism with Marxism, or Constitutional Law, or Blind Patriotism, or Soft Socialism, or Goth Culture, or Catholicism, or Transcendentalism, or Science Fiction, or
Feminism, or Self-Righteous Radicalism, or - well, you get the idea.

Nearly all the above examples serve well, to varying degrees. Make sure they confuse some other principle as such an integral part of their religion that it's more important than any other element. Then, let them continue on as "Mormon feminists" or "Mormon socialists" or "Mormon patriots" rather than merely "Mormons" and watch the slowly verge off the narrow path onto the broad one.

Sincerely yours,

Steve EM is back!


I thought he had abandoned the larger Bloggernacle for his own private world or something. OF course, at M*, hardly anyone will notice that he's back.

I'll do this in advance, so that I never have to pay attention to him again. Every Steve EM post/comment ever, correlated: "I am completely, 111%, bat$#!+ insane."

To quote Master Control: End of Line.

(I hope Steve EM never discovers this blog).